Use Incentives
When you are dealing with consumers you have to give them what they want and how they want it. So what do consumers want?
Consumers want GREAT DEALS!
That is why it is imperative to constantly give promotions, offers, and any type of incentive you can. In marketing the number one thing to go after is how to attract attention and giving out special promotions is huge.
Right now we are in the Christmas Shopping season where marketers are throwing out good deals every second.
As a real estate agent it is absolutely critical to be doing incentives and promotions. I know what you are thinking that you do not have any control over the price of the real estate you are being sold then how am I going to give a promotion.
That is a very good question and that is exactly right. Marketers and businessmen ask this question all of the time and that is why they brainstorm together. Once this question is asked then you can start to brainstorm on ideas that you could offer.
I have seen agents offer FREE televisions, gas cards, and of course restraunt deals. Why should you as a real estate aagent offer incentives, because people love them and are more willing to fork over money if they feel they are getting a great deal.